Harris Burdick: Mr Lindens Library

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Mr Lindens Library

As she walked out of the library, she felt a cool breeze dangle down her spine. With a shiver she started to go home. As she reaches her home door she goes to unlock it. She drops her keys looks up the door was already open almost like someone was holding it that way. ” Maybe I forgot to lock it” she mumbled to her self. It was late that night and she decided to read her new book then go to bed. Tiredly she climbed into her silk white sheets like a bear going into hibernation. Snatched the book from her dresser and started to read. She tilted her head slightly to see the time it read 11:30. With a sigh she put the book down and fell into a sweet slumber. Bang! The book fell to the floor opening. Inside vines started to pour out of the book . The vines kept coming and coming, climbing up the dresser and on the bed. They trickled up her arm, down her leg. She woke up taking a huge breath and trying to rip off the heavy vines. Scrambling and squealing for help it was no use the prickly vines had possessed her body. With one more scream a vine slithered down her throat. She was helpless…

4 thoughts on “Harris Burdick: Mr Lindens Library

  1. Hi Chloe! My name is Kaeleigh and I am a college student from New Jersey. As soon as I started reading your blog post I felt like I was a part of the story. Your descriptive writing allowed me to personally experience the whole story. I could picture exactly what you were describing and that is so important in writing. When you are a descriptive writer, your audience gets involved in the story and never wants to leave it. Great job and keep up the good work!

    • Hi Kaeleigh,
      Thank you so much I am glad that my writing does that it makes me feel really good:)
      Have a wonderful day ~ Chloe

  2. Great post! Chloe, your writing is very detailed which made me feel like I was right there in the story myself. I was instantly hooked from the first line and wanted to keep reading more out of curiosity to see what would happen next. Keep up the great work!

    • Hi Samantha,
      Thank you, I will be sure to keep up all of the good work.
      Thank you for commenting
      Have a turtle-filled day ~ Chloe

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